This feeling called love
So many have tried and failed miserably to explain what love is and why it is so different for everyone... All forms of media have showcased so many different forms of this, supposedly very natural feeling. I can't seem to think any of that has been perfect. Can it be perfect? Is it meant to be perfect? That brings me to what is perfect. Anything you are comfortable with I suppose can be called perfect I suppose. But we humans are always growing... As our horizons grow our thoughts and beliefs change... We are so influenced by everything that we can't have the same thought throughout our lives. It is simply impossible. So if you think something is perfect now, you may not think so, in time. Because no one's comforts remain the same. So why then is there a hunt for that perfect love? Oh! And don't tell you are a realist and you don't look for perfect love or love at all. We all do, at some point in our life. Love is not just romantic. So you, wanting a perf...