My Mumbai Saga - The Conclusion
The end of every journey is fixed at the same moment it begins. The destination is mostly just a part of the whole process and not the ultimate goal. Mumbai has been one such experience. I came here to test out my wings and I must say they were not as firm and sleek as I believed they were. All of us are lot cooler in our thoughts than we are in others. Only when you take flight do the flaws worm out though the rays of trouble and eddies of miscalculations. Nothing in this world comes into existence strong (except Goku). Strength is acquired (like Naruto). Mumbai paved a path for me to learn, grow and become resilient. It also gave me the freedom to unlock my free spirit and spend a lot of my time learning about myself. Outlook has changed and judgments have shattered. But I have never smiled anywhere as brightly as I have here. Be it being stereotyped or being highly appreciated life here has been anything but serene. The vast mix of people and deep mix of sensibil...