My Mumbai Saga - The First People

Change is the only constant. And that my friends was my first few weeks in Mumbai (okay okay Navi Mumbai). Office, different but still the same. Some old people, new setting and some new people still new setting. Hugs and greeting with a few old chums. Nods and handshakes with few others. New desk, old work. So as you can see I did not come to a city where I knew no one and made it on my own. It is little less cool than that. I knew people but still made it on my own. Not too much drama, is it? Better get used to it. For that is all this is, just a normal moving to a new city.

Life in a new setting is as dependent on the people you meet as it is dependent on you. I feel that the first people you meet in city are crucial in setting your perception of the city. The first cab driver, the first stranger who gives you directions, the first friend you meet, the first new person you befriend- all these people create the first impression of how you think your life is going to be in the new place.
My first roommates and friends were 4 strong and wonderful women who will shine forever in my fondest memories. Each one displaying such brilliant individuality yet staying so much in sync. They had become a family. A family into which they invited me with open arms. My own Madam Responsible, Lady Gutsy, Miss Kind and Ma’am Smart. College is not the last place you form bonds that last a life time. Colleagues can become friends too.
In today’s world it is has become easier for women to go out and live alone and a lot of them do it. But the apprehensions and uncertainty that comes with this makes the decision one of the most difficult ones they ever face. So seeing other woman stand tall and brave odds gives strength and hope to others that follow. And that is what these 4 ladies were to me.

We have all taken different roads in these two years. Some might never converge again but we have fond memories of time we spent together and a part of each other’s sprite that we will carry along where ever we go. Constant changes can also bring some constant people in your life. These people set my perception that this city can be conquered. #myMumbaiSaga


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