First random ramble

Ah well  I just created this blog because I wanted a place to rant. You see I am a person who does not have much of life. Or rather any life at all. All I ever do is go to college and work with the academics just as much to keep a respectable score and come back home and watch animes and series and dramas online.

Yes yes i do have a lot of friends and I am not a couch potato. I do prefer the outsides to my room but i just don't have the liberty to hang out whenever I want. But does it bother me? Surprisingly no. Ok well more like not really. I am a rather bored person you see. I get bored of things rather easily so I after a point got bored being bothered too.

A few months back i should say about 2 months back I started watching Japanese dramas because I was bored with all the American tv shows I was watching and nothing interesting turned up. And the fact that these dramas were short and I already read mangas and watch animes I took a liking to them pretty quickly.

But what pulled me towards Japanese dramas are the fact that they are just a few episodes long and mostly not made into seasons unlike their American counterparts. It is truly astonishing how long an American teen drama can go on. And Japanese drama have actors who are just as good as the American ones. Yes I do appreciate the acting skills of American actors but not the story line which becomes a drag after a point. But of course I get bored easily.

And the concepts of the east and west are very unlike each other and sometimes very similar. But i must say English sci-fi dramas are way better than Japanese ones. That is a genres is pretty well developed in the west. Of course i am a fan of Doctor who ( yes i know it is a British series and not American :P)

Ok now i am bored of typing. :P
Sometime when i feel like using the key board again I shall write. Ja!


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