As years go by

Time is always flowing. Constantly and indifferently. 
We all have had phases.  Childhood, teenage, adulthood,  school, college, work and so on.. 
We all look back at the past phases and remember only the green patches. But when we are in the middle of it we can never see the good things. Won't it be great if we all could always see good things?

But life doesn't work that way, does it? Yeah it doesn't. And we as humans have the general tendency to complain. We look for the black spots and make it look like the whole paper is black. But when we don't do that we are called saints or stupid. So why do everyone emphasise on positive outlook when no one actually practise it? Why is it so that no phase in our life, change that? Is it because we never really fully transition into a different phase or we all want to make the never ending flow of time somehow stop?
Either way we all know that as the time goes by we change but still remain the same deep down looking for those black spots and disregarding the white till its time to turn the page.
So I would like to try not to from this day forth. Hope others feel this way too.


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